
Asked Questions

  • Why did we reach out to you?

    Pickl Texas receives referrals regarding abandoned properties and disconnected owners from a range of sources, such as realtors, attorneys, judges, title companies, bank trust departments, inquisitive neighbors, and even mail carriers. We also perform our own research using county property records, vital statistics, and court documents to identify cases that could benefit from our services. If we have reached out to you, it’s because our research indicates you may have valuable information for someone else's project or a potential property claim.

  • If I have a stake in a property, why wasn’t I aware of it until now?

    Families often grow distant, and without a central person managing the family tree and property records over time, crucial information can be lost. This is more common than many people think. Furthermore, if someone dies without a will designating an Executor or Administrator, or if no family member steps in promptly, important matters can be overlooked amidst the busyness of life.

  • Am I truly an heir, or is this some sort of scam?

    Our intentions are entirely legitimate. The partners at Pickl TX collectively have decades of real estate experience in the field. We depend on referrals and a solid reputation, and we will never request any payment from you. Our goal is solely to address issues with problem properties. We can provide references from previous clients beyond the testimonials on our website if needed. Additionally, we welcome communication from your attorney, as this often helps expedite the process.

  • Am I responsible for any liability or risk?

    No. If a property has debts or expenses exceeding its value, an ongoing tax foreclosure suit, or if there are existing mortgages and liens, these obligations remain with the property. Any associated risks and liabilities are transferred to Pickl TX LLC when your interest in the property is sold.

  • How long will this process take, and when will I receive payment?

    Each property is unique and comes with its own set of issues. As a result, the time from when Pickl Texas accepts a project to when the sale is completed can range from just a few days to several months, but most fall within a timeline of a week or less from agreement to closing. Pickl Texas covers all expenses required to close a transaction and invests its time and resources, taking on the associated risks in the hopes that the project will be viable. While our legal and exploratory expenses can run into tens of thousands of dollars, we never require our clients to risk their own money.

  • How do you calculate your offers?

    Our offers are carefully underwritten to evaluate risk, existing tax and lien obligations, current market value relative to a property's condition, and projected legal costs required to clear title. Additionally, the amount of one's partial undivided interest is another strong factor that we consider.

  • What will happen if I don’t take action to secure my claim to the property?

    The property may accumulate property tax debts that exceed its current value and/or the local tax authorities could eventually foreclose on it to recover the unpaid taxes.

  • What's my share?

    It depends. Determining the value of an undivided interest in real property is more complex than simply ordering an appraisal, as there is no single "controlling interest" like in businesses or partnerships. Probated wills and estates will dictate inheritance through the district courts, while Texas intestacy laws otherwise assign interests based on existing conditions of the deceased's heirs.